Friday, February 8, 2019


Galle Fort boasts of a long history stretching back centuries, even before the Portuguese, Dutch and British Colonial days. Today it is home to the historic 90 acre preserved Dutch Fort, declared an archaeological reserve by the UN since 1969. This walled city is the slow beating heart of Galle, bearing witness to its past through the near crumbling architecture of grand old buildings, street names and Dutch churches. Galle is the only place in Sri Lanka that still retains an old world atmosphere. The sounds of Galle are the call to prayer from Mosques, Pali chants from Buddhist temples, fish sellers and tinkers hawking their wares on Main Street. Its fine old colonial mansions, Galle Fort Hotel, Ammangalle, and Lighthouse Hotel nearby make Galle Fort a hauntingly beautiful escape into the past. Enter through the 'old' Dutch Gate or the 'new' English one. The Villa is close to the Ramparts and small beaches that are great for a morning dip. 

Galle Fort was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Site List for its historical and cultural value. It is one of the best preserved 17th century colonial forts in the world, and substantial renovations inside the fort are strictly forbidden.

Lankan rhapsody at Galle
The seaside city of Galle leaves one delighted as the waves playfully caress the shore. It’s just the place to have a wonderful time with one’s family.

Take a slice of Goa, add a hint of Mauritius, flavour it with Kerala and you get the splendid island of Sri Lanka. Coconut trees, beaches, temples, Mosques, wildlife, forests, light houses, colonial buildings, as well as new age hotels and shopping — this country has something for everyone.

In the mood for some sun, sand and sea, we decide to head to the southern town of Galle. I don’t know what to expect of the place. All I know is that it was devastated by the 2004 tsunami.

The drive to Galle is picturesque with the sea on one side and greenery interspersed with houses on the other, except for a long stretch of land with remnants of houses destroyed by the ruthless waves.

Strangely enough, the very sea that was the cause for much woe steps up to cheer us up — the waves playfully caress the shore, little children prance about and the cool sea breeze pacifies.

 Typical Fort Streetscapes

A View from the center of the fort

Old Fortified Ramparts dating from colonial times

Old Fortified Ramparts dating from colonial times

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